12月11日晚,农学与生命科学学院激情英语俱乐部(Passion English Club)成立大会在江北校区1214教室举行。来自我院120余名英语爱好者参加了大会,党总支书记屈国胜,副院长陈立强出席大会,大会由学习部部长王绞绞主持。
激情英语俱乐部(Passion English Club)在我院党总支的指导下,由学生分会学习部组织策划。学生分会主席吴晗致辞,她谈到俱乐部成立旨在营造我院英语学习氛围、切磋英语学习方法与技巧、提高学生英语水平、展现我院学生风采为主旨,达到丰富校园文化,陶冶学生情操,提高学生素质为目的,是一个激发学生学习英语热情,提高我院学生英语水平的很好平台,号召我院全体同学积极参与。
Chen Liqiang’s address
on the Founding of the Passion English Club
Good evening, my dear students! I am very glad to attend the founding conference of the Passion English club!
We all know that the ability of English relies much on the practice of English , such as the practice on the listening ,speaking ,reading and wrting. The Passion English Club provides you a very good chance to learn from each other and practice your English. I hope every member in our club would seize the opportunity to improve yourself!
English has become a universal language. In modern world, English is the most important tool in international communication. We should “study in school and focus on the world” to keep in pace with the world. We are urged to study English. The Passion English Club is a good place where we can learn and practice English. I am sure you can enjoy learning here!
I hope all the leaders in our club would work hard to make the Passion English Club the most popular organization in the Ankang University! I hope everyone enjoy English , enjoy life and embrace the bright future!
At last, I sincerely wish the Passion English Club a bright and dynamic future! Thank you!